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Australian Standards for Lifts

AS1735 – Australian Standards for Lifts

AS1735 was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee ME-004, Lift Installations. It supersedes AS 1735.1—2003. AS1735, focuses on the design and installation of lifts, escalators, and moving walks. In this article, we will explore AS1735 and provide valuable insights to help individuals understand and navigate these standards effectively.

AS1735 and AS1735.12 (in particular) helps us to meet our compliance responsibilities in relation to accessibility for all Australians. By defining car size and interior accessories, a company is better able to meet the access needs for persons with disabilities. The Building Code of Australia and National Code standards (in particular) are also followed.

Things to consider include (but are not limited to): minimum car dimensions and door opening width (with wheelchairs in mind), curtain of light requirements, in-car voice announcer for visually impaired citizens, handrail-friendly walls, car operating panels, as well as strategic optimised signalisation placement and options etc.

At Next Level Elevators, all our elevators comply with this standard, covering design manufacture, import and supply. Note that the term lift includes a chair lift, escalator, moving/walking stairway lift and so on, making it extensive. Below is an edited summary of major compliance points provided by the University of Melbourne in relation to AS1735:

  • There must be a minimum 600mm long handrail located adjacent to the COP
  • There must be floor dimensions not less than 1,100mm x 1,400mm
  • There must be a compliant lift entrance protection system
  • There must be a minimum clear door opening on 900mm wide
  • There must be good lighting
  • There must be an emergency hands-free self-dialling push button-initiated communication system with audible feedback
  • There must be an alarm button to illuminate when emergency communications have been established
  • There must be designed car operating panels
  • There must be a levelling accuracy of ± 6mm
  • There must be visible, tactile, and audible information on landings and within the car
  • There must be call buttons per the requirements
AS1735 Australian Standards for Lifts

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